Katherine Heigl the famous hollywood star has noe plunged like many other famous stars into using their Star Image to set up a clothing brand of their own, though Katherine has not anything like a clothing brand but rather a line scrubs which has not yet been targetted by any one. Smart marketing move by Katherine to be the one to lend her name to dickies scrubs
Though such smart and wise decisons are nothing new to the 100 girls,Valentine Star, who has been developing a keen eye for business, amrketability and business all the while been a part of Beverly hills and Hollywood The scrubs may sound a little non glamorous for a star of Katherine Heigl's standards but the profits margins, the huge demand and a great untapped market are the right way for any business to nurture whihc is what Katherine is doing.The products line is also very well thought as the scrubs noe made have been designed by herself, they are trendy, sleek and have a slender pencil cut. The clean front line and a compact desing makes it very comfortable to wear and along with looking pretty attractive at work in various bright colorscherokee medical scrubs
These cherokee medical scrubs are made of natural and herbal fibers which are capable of absorbing more sweat and moer air circulation than the normal cotton fiber. Also the strectable material further makes it very handy for medical staff to work, also the scrubd can be soaked easily and now they come is good colors whihc makes the job of hospital from pale looks to bright and attractive one. All of this while maintaing a good hygiene standards for all is the reason why these scrubd are now spreading like Wild Fire. I musty Admit that Katherine has Pulled another one of a Hot Blockbuster. Given below is one of the promotional designs/teaser for the Scrubs
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