Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New York City Latest Entertainment Buzz

New York City is one of the most fashionable city of world let alone be of US, it is the fashion capital though people often argue about the title with Paris and Milan . The sheer Volume of business that NYC fashion market brings just does about enough to make sure NYC is the Fashion Hub of the world. The sense of fashion is so well embedded in New yorkers that you can identify and NYC resident from New Jersey in a blink of eye , such is the fashion quotient of the great city it's not just about clothes , model and shows with fall, winter, spring , summer collection it's about being part everybody's lives and embracing of fashion by one and all, New York City is one place which know how to do it and does that in style . what works in the favor of the fashion hub NYC is that it hosts the most renowned named in fashion designing standalone or giant power houses, such that there is a flavor of all sorts to suit one need. You can find many talented designer and artist having their store and studio here some just use it as exhibition purposes other tag in retail with it as well. Yesterday i bumped onto the exhibition of marko stout

The exhibition hold high degree of abstract human connection and certain form of symbolism in the paintings, what works for me is that the artist has a lot of experience and holds very qualified degrees in medicine and metaphysics hence surely the symbolism speaks a lot with layers of meaning folded beneath it . The exhibition is currently only online and shall open in autumn 2011 and has been named 'THE CAVE' . I am not sure why such name but surely this exhibition plans to explore the connection between mind and matter for philosophical and scientific view as well. I shall be showing on of the art pieces by the author who has generously allowed me to show it here, thanks marko

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